30 years of data show spotted turtle communities are still vulnerable

Spotted turtle in marsh.

Populations of the endangered spotted turtle in Illinois are holding up better than those in other states, based on 30 years of data at the University of Illinois. Still, only two populations remain, and the predictions are poor.

The small, semi-aquatic spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata) lives in sedge meadows, cattail marshes, and wet prairies, and in Illinois is found only in the northeast. Female turtles can live up to 110 years and reproduce all their adult lives.

Today, only two populations have survived. Researchers at the Illinois Natural History Survey and the Forest Preserve District of Will County have collaboratively studied nearly 1,000 turtles in two communities since 1988.

Read the full story: https://blogs.illinois.edu/view/7447/1693801942