The following is a list of persons listed as collectors in the INHS Herp catalogue. I’m trying to add a bit of background for each with special emphasis on their connection to Illinois.
H. G. Anderson; Junior Biologist, Cooperative Wildlife Restoration Program, INHS, 1938
Fred Ashbrook
W. Bain
H. H. Bartlett
Edward Coulton Becker (1923-2008); worked for Standard Fruit Company in Honduras, 1948-1949; PhD in Entomology, University of Illinois, 1952; (1948-1950; 22 specimens; Honduras, IL, MO)
R. Behrstock; (1963-1968, 31 specimens, mostly Alabama & Wisconsin, the former with R. Harvey & N. Harvey)
Edwin L. Bell; Dept. Zoology, Univ. Illinois
Frank C. Bellrose; Waterfowl Biologist, INHS, 1938-1982 (1941; 4 specimens; Mason Co., IL)
George W. Bennett; Limnologist, Section of Aquatic Biology, INHS, 1938
E. Bennett
H. E. Brown (& Biol class)
Bernard Burdick; possibly Bernard R. Burdick, born 1928, lived in Champaign in the 1930s; but this would mean he collected specimens when he was 13! (4 specimens, all 1941, Mason Co., IL)
W. Leslie Burger; Fellow, Dept. Zoology, Univ. Illinois, 1949; University of Illinois Museum of Natural History, 1950s (1947-1958; 643 specimens; IL, KS, MD, KY, VA, TX)
Bernard De Witt Burks; Assistant Entomologist, Section of Insect Survey, INHS, 1937-1949
F. William Burley; Dept. Zoology and Museum of Natural History, University of Illinois, 1960s (1966: 80 specimens, Mexico, with Fawcett & Fritts)
L. Chandler
Peter Stanley Chrapliwy; Graduate Asst. in Zoology, University of Illinois, 1960; PhD under Hobart Smith at Illinois in 1964; Dissertation title: Taxonomy and distribution of the jarrovi complex of lizards of the torquatus group, genus Sceloporus. (1957 & 1960; 67 specimens, IL & Mexico)
William E. Clark; photographer and field companion of Phil Smith.
George Cooper
Wallace Craig; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1898-1899
C. C. Crandall
Bruce B. Criley; collected with Pete Chrapliwy in 1960 in Mexico (see above)
L. R. Davis; (1961-1977; 122 specimens; AL, FL, GA, IL, NJ, Panama)
Norman Dearnbarger (also Phyllis, Joan, & Vernon); relatives of Dorothy (Dearnbarger) Smith (1946-1958, 25 specimens, Douglas, Coles cos., IL)
Jack Daugherty; acquaintance of Phil Smith from northern Illinois (1949, 31 specimens, LaSalle Co., IL)
Leonard Durham; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1947-1950; Professor of Zoology, Eastern Illinois University (1950-55; 34 specimens, central IL)
Franklin Sumner Earle; Mycologist, INHS, 1885-? (1877; 4 specimens; IL, MS)
Richard A. Edgren, Jr.; with W. T. Stille, published “New records for amphibians an reptiles in the Chicago area, 1939-1947. Chicago Academy of Sciences Bulletin 8(7):195-202. (1950, 12 specimens, Lake Co., IL)
F. F. B. Elder; (1973-1974, 26 specimens, Mexico)
Mrs. Ruth Ernest
C. R. Evans
R. A. Evers; Botanist, INHS, ?-? (1947- 1956; 48 specimens, Illinois)
James D. Fawcett; Dept. Zoology and Museum of Natural History, University of Illinois, 1960s; PhD under R.E. Jones, Univ. Colorado, 1975 (1966: 80 specimens, Mexico, with Burley & Fritts)
C. J. Firkins; spelled “Firkens” in catalogue, but only C.J. Firkens comes up in searches; he is listed in the University of Illinois yearbook, Illio as a member of the class of 1929, Shabbona (IL) is listed as hometown; in 1936 and 1938 he is found in the city directory for Edwardsville, IL, listed as instructor.
J. E. Flynn
Ernest B. Forbes; Worked at Havana Field Station under S.A. Forbes about 1896 on copepods
Stephen Alfred Forbes; First chief of INHS, 1877-1930
Thural Dale Foster; Zoologist, INHS 1931-1932; PhD student under Harley J. Van Cleave, UIUC
Theodore Henry Frison; Entomologist, INHS, 1923-1930; Chief, INHS, 1930-1945 (1929-1947; 22 specimens; throughout IL)
Thomas H. Fritts; A.B., University of Illinois, 1967; M.Sc. University of Illinois under Hobart Smith, 1968; PhD under Duellman, Univ. Kansas, 1972 (1966: 80 specimens, Mexico, with Burley & Fawcett)
Charles M. Fugler; Graduate student at LSU, 1958; professor of Biology, University of North Carolina-Wilmington. Collected extensively in Napo Province, Ecuador (1964-1965; 11 specimens; Napo, Ecuador)
W. Harrison Garman; Associate Professor of Zoology and Entomology at the University of Illinois (1886-89), First Assistant at State Laboratory of Natural History (INHS, 1883-89), Professor of Entomology at the University of Kentucky (1889-29). See also History of Herpetology in Illinois
Howard Kay Gloyd; Professor of zoology at the University of Michigan; Director of the Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1938-1958; Consultant, INHS 1940-1947, asked by H. H. Ross and T. H. Frison of INHS to write a report on the amphibians and reptiles of Illinois, which he later turned over to Phil Smith (1941-48; 14 specimens; Mason Co., IL and South Dakota)
M. S. Goldman; listed in the University of Illinois yearbook, Illio in 1929, 1930, 1938 (1943-73; 13 specimens; Champaign, Douglas & Vermilion cos., IL)
Clarence J. Goodnight; BA, MS, PhD, University of Illinois (under ?), ending in ? Later a professor at Purdue University and Western Michigan University. Goodnight’s salamander key, “A key to the adult salamanders of Illinois” (1937. Ill. State Acad. Sci. Trans. 30(2):300-302) was “carried out under the direction of Dr. H. J. Van Cleave” at the University of Illinois. See also History of Herpetology in Illinois (1950; 31 specimens; Chipas, MX; with L.J. Stannard)
R. L. Greer
J. Lear Grimmer; University of Illinois, 1948, “Herp Class 1948” (1940, 2 specimens, IL)
Donald F. Hansen; Assistant Zoologist, Section of Aquatic Biology, INHS, 1938 (1934-53; 77 specimens; mostly Pope Co., IL)
Charles Arthur Hart; Systematic Entomologist, Botanist, INHS, 1885-
Adolph Hempel; Zoological Assistant, INHS, 1894-1896
Marvin Max Hensley (1922 – ). Marvin Max Hensley was born in Keyesport, Illinois. He earned a B.A. from Greenville College in 1946; an M.S. from the University of Illinois in 1948 under Hobart Smith; and his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1951 under A.A. Allen. He taught at Gettysburg College before moving to Michigan State University in 1956, where he retired in 1986 (1948-1976, 259 specimens, U.S & Mexico).
Robert Edward Hesselschwerdt; Junior Biologist, Cooperative Wildlife Restoration Program, INHS, 1938; Zoologist, INHS, 1936-1942; Photographer, INHS, 1946-1948
R. Holcomb
Joseph Douglas Hood; Entomologist, INHS, 1910-1912
Harold R. Hungerford; acquaintance of Phil Smith from northern Illinois (1954-1963, 18 specimens, Kankakee, DeKalb, Iroquois cos., IL)
Francis D. Hunt; Aquatic Assistant, INHS, 1925-1937
Julius Hurter; curator, Academy of Science of St. Louis, ?-? See also History of Herpetology in Illinois
Lynn Henry Hutchens; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1936-1938, 1946-1947
Edward D. Keiser, Jr.; SIU Carbondale, 1958; PhD under D. Rossman, LSU, 1967 (1959-72; 152 specimens; Jefferson, Union, & Alexander cos., IL)
Allan H. Keith: acquaintance of Phil Smith from Greenville, Illinois (1956-1958, 45 specimens, Bond Co., IL)
E. J. Koestner
Charles Atwood Kofoid; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1895-1900; Superintendent of Biological Station, INHS; Assistant Prof. Zoology, University of Illinois, 1899-?, Assistant Prof. Zoology, Univ. California, 1901-?
John Lane
David A. Langebartel; BA, MS, PhD, University of Illinois (under Hobart Smith), ending in 1958; Department of Anatomy, Univ. Wisconsin, 1960s-? (1942-57; 297 specimens; throughout IL)
Thomas Large; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1899-1902
Richard Weldon “Larry” Larimore; Aquatic biologist, INHS 1946-1988 (1947-63; 84 specimens; IL, AR, MO, Thailand)
Eldred J. “Jake” Lemm
J. Lersa
Rev. George M. Link; Pastor, St. Joseph’s Church, Chatham, IL, 1937-8. In 1948 he was listed among the attendees of the Cooper Ornithological Society Mtg at USC as living in Michael (Calhoun Co.), IL. Collected extensively in and around Pere Marquette State Park, Jersey Co., IL (1942; 41 specimens; Jersey & Calhoun cos., IL)
James Carl List; PhD, University of Illinois under Hobart Smith, 1956; Dissertation title: Comparative osteology of the Typhlopidae and Leptopyphlopidae (1950-56; 100 specimens; MS, IL, KY)
Jessup Budge Low; Game Specialist, INHS, 1941-1943 (1941; 41 specimens; Mason & Cass cos., IL)
Francis X. Lueth; Zoologist, INHS, 1939-1940 See also History of Herpetology in Illinois (1935-40; 23 specimens; MI, IN, IL)
John Douglas Lynch; A.B., University of Illinois, 1964; M.S., under Hobart Smith, University of Illinois, 1965; PhD under Duellman, Univ. Kansas, 1972
Albert Maas; colleague of Fred Shannon (1954; 12 specimens, Maricopa Co., AZ)
John L. McCree
W. T. McDowell
F. W. McElfert
Gene McNaughton; lived in Belleville, IL and Pickneyville, IL (1970-1972; 128 specimens, Jersey, Macoupin, Marion, Perry, St. Clair, Washington cos., IL)
Charles W. Myers; PhD under Duellman, Kansas, 1970; Curator, then Chairman of Herpetology Department, American Museum of Natural History, 1968-1999 (1951-63; 11 specimens; IL, FL, MO, OK)
Harlow B. Mills; Chief, INHS, 19?-?
Sherman Minton; MD, Indiana University, 1942; Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Indiana University, 1947-1984 (1951-77; 353 specimens; Australia, Canada, Costa Ricca, El Salvador, Guatemala, Israel, Mexico, Pakistan, Seychelles, Switzerland & 17 US states)
Carl O. Mohr; Associate Entomologist, Artist, Section of Insect Survey, INHS, 1938
Thomas Edwin Moore; Entomologist, INHS, 1948-1956
Merlin Nelson
Miles Newberry; Field Station Assistant at Havana, local fisherman
Donald John O’Donnell; Zoologist, INHS, 1931-1937
Rupert Earl Olson; professor, Bethel College, St. Paul, MN, 1956 (1942-1955, 85 specimens, mostly Winnebago Co., IL)
S. S. Opp
Paul W. Parmalee (1926-2006); B.S., Ohio University, 1948; MS University of Illinois, Ecology, 1949; Ph.D., Texas A&M, 1952; Stephen F. Austin, 1952, Illinois State Museum, 1953-1973 ; Univ. Tennessee, 1973-1989.
James Arthur Peters; Academic positions at Brown University, San Fernando State College, National Museum of Natural History. See also History of Herpetology in Illinois
W. R. Peterson
Orville Price
Daniel Irvin Rasmussen; Biologist, INHS, 1931-1932
Robert Gossett Rennels; Head Forestry Dept., University of Illinois, 1940s-1970s
Robert William Reese; M.S. University of Illinois, 1949, ecology.
Streight Rider
Donald Timmerman Ries; Naturalist, INHS, 1938
William Beckwith Robertson Jr.; M.S. University of Illinois, 1955, ornithology; Game Specialist, INHS, 1952-1956
Herbert H. Ross; Systematic Zoologist, Section of Insect Survey, INHS, 1938
Ottys Sanders; Southwestern Biological Supply Co., Dallas; 1952 (1953-7; 14 specimens; TX)
Milton W. Sanderson (1910-2012); Entomologist, INHS, 1942-1975 (1939-59; 483 specimens; Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Great Britain; Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico and 10 US states & US Virgin Islands)
G. Sanderson
J. Sanderson
Jacob Schneck (Dr.); MD in Mt. Carmel, IL, late 1800s. See also History of Herpetology in Illinois
Lila M. Scott;
Richard B. Selander; Entomologist, INHS, 1955-1958
Frederick Albert Shannon (1921-1965); A.B. University of Illinois, 1943; summer, 1940, 1941 herpetologist for Hoogstraal Field Expedition to Mexico; M.D., University of Illinois, Chicago, 1947; postgraduate research with Hobart Smith, University of Illinois, 1948
W. Sherbrooke;
Hurst Hugh Shoemaker; (1907-?) Zoologist, INHS, 1942, 1944; Professor, Zoology, University of Illinois, 1939-1970
Clarence Robert Shoop (1935 – 2003). B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1957. M.S. (1959) and PhD (1963), Tulane University, under Fred R. Cagle
J. B. Slater
Philip Wayne Smith; Ph.D, University of Illinois under Hobart Smith. Ichthyologist and Herpetologist, INHS, 1942 -1979. See also History of Herpetology in Illinois (1935-80; 4377 specimens; Africa, Mexico, 26 US states, over 3200 specimens from IL)
Harold Smith
Dorothy Smith; Curatorial Asst., University of Illinois Museum of Natural History, wife of Philip Smith.
M. J. Soran
Jerry Staedeli; acquaintance of Phil Smith from northern Illinois (1951-1958; 56 specimens; central IL & San Diego, CA)
Willard Francis Stanley (1901-?); Zoologist, INHS, 1935; State Normal School, Fredonia, New York, 1941.
Lewis Judson Stannard (1918-1988); Insect taxonomist, INHS, 1947-1976; professor of Agricultural Entomology, University of Illinois, 1968-1976 (1947- 1971; 413 specimens; various states & Mexico)
J. P. Stewart
Walter T. Stille; with Richard A. Edgren, Jr, published “New records for amphibians an reptiles in the Chicago area, 1939-1947. Chicago Academy of Sciences Bulletin 8(7):195-202. (1950; 12 specimens; Lake Co., IL)
Dr. Strode
Harvey Adam Surface; Zoologist, INHS, 1899
Maurice Cole Tanquary; Entomologist, INHS, 1910-1912
Wells Thatcher
David Hiram Thompson; Zoologist, INHS, 1923-1944
Arthur T. Tinsley (1912-1984); born in Kentucky, lived in Pope County, IL from 1920 to 1940 and worked for the WPA according to U.S. Census Records (1935; 10 specimens; Pope Co., IL)
I. S. Tucker
G. Ulrich
V. L. Walker
Glen Robert Webb; M.S. University of Illinois, malacology, 1949; Dept. Zoology, Univ. Kansas, 1950; (1938-1949; 22 specimens; IL, TN)
Francis Marion Webster; Entomologist, INHS, 1881-1884, 1902-1904
E. C. Williams
Kenneth Lee Williams (1934 – ). M.Sc. under Hobart Smith, University of Illinois, 1961, thesis title, Systematics of the lizard Cnemidophorus inornatus Baird, 1858 (Reptilia: Lacertilia). PhD under Doug Rossman, LSU, 1970; professor, Northwestern State University, Louisiana (1957-1958; 25 specimens; Mason, McLean, Tazewell cos., IL)
A. Witt
Frank Elmer Wood; Aquatic Biologist, INHS, 1905-1909
Lee Emmett Yeager; Forester, INHS, 1938-1945
James Zetek; Entomologist, INHS, 1909-1911