Eastern Kingsnake

Lampropeltis getula (Linnaeus, 1766)

eastern black kingsnake
Black kingsnake, Johnson Co., IL photo by C.A. Phillips
eastern black kingsnake
Black kingsnake, Johnson Co., IL photo by C.A. Phillips

Key Characters: Some or all back and side scales black with a small light dot in the center; belly checkered black and yellow; back scales smooth; anal plate not divided.

Similar Species: North American Racer, Gray Ratsnake, Plain-bellied Watersnake. See the Key to Snakes of Illinois for help with identification.

Subspecies: Two subspecies are recognized in Illinois, the Speckled Kingsnake, Lgholbrooki Stejneger, 1902 and the Black Kingsnake, Lgniger (Yarrow, 1882) southern third of Illinois.

Description: Large (up to 125 cm TL) glossy black snake with white dot in the center of each scale. In the subspecies niger, the small light dots form 40 – 50 narrow cross-bands with intervening scales lacking dots. In the subspecies holbrooki, the dots do not form any recognizable pattern

Habitat: Wooded hills.

Natural History: Mates in spring and lays 8-12 eggs in June in rotting logs or tree stumps. Young hatch in August or early September at 20-30 cm TL. Like many snakes, it is largely nocturnal during summer and more active during the day in spring and autumn. Slow and deliberate in its movements, this is a constricting predator of other reptiles, especially snakes (even venomous ones), lizards and their eggs, birds, and small mammals. Main predators of juveniles are other snakes; main predators of adults are hawks, raccoons, skunks, and opossums.

Status: Locally common in the Shawnee Hills and along the southern Mississippi River bluffs.

Etymology: Lampropeltis – lampros (Greek) meaning bright, brilliant, radiant; pelta (Latin) meaning small shield; getulus – unknown, possible error in locality data; holbrooki, patronym for John Edward Holbrook; niger – (Latin) black.

Original Description: L. getula: Linnaeus, 1766, Syst. Nat., 12th ed., Vol. 1, p. 382; L. g. holbrooki, Stejneger, 1902, Proc. US Natl. Mus. 25 [1902]: 152; L. g. niger, Yarrow, 1882, Proc. US Natl. Mus. 5: 438.

Type Specimen: Not designated for L. g. holbrooki; USNM 12149, collected by Robert Ridgway for L. g. niger.

Type Locality: Not designated.

Original Name: L. getula: Coluber getulus; L. g. holbrooki, same as current; L. g. niger, Ophibolus getulus niger.

Nomenclatural History: Pyron and Burbtink, 2009, Molecular Ecology, 18:3443-3457 elevated several subspecies of L. getula (including niger and holbrooki) to full species using mtDNA but without adequate sampling. Harrington and Burbrink, 2022, showed that a phylogeny using full genome sequencing did not support the mtDNA results.